Recipes, Beef Recipes, Steak Recipes

Sharing ribeye w/ crispy polenta, gorgonzola fonduta & marsala sauce

This dish is one of the classics from the Trullo repertoire and its a classic for a reason, as it is outrageously opulent and incredibly delicious. The team love both cooking and serving it. Whist we often serve this with a T-Bone Steak, it works equally well here with a sharing ribeye. If you drink alcohol, for the love of God get a decent Barolo, Chianti or Montalcino!

Serves 2


For the polenta

For the Marsala sauce


First make the polenta:

  1. Pour the water into a large pan and add a pinch of salt and bring to the boil.
  2. Start pouring the polenta in a stream, whisking continually for the first 2-minutes.
  3. Turn the heat down to a simmer and cook for a further 40-minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Check for seasoning and adjust as necessary, then turn out onto a dish or tray with sides that come up at least 3cm. Leave to cool a little before transferring to the fridge to chill and firm up.
  5. Once chilled and firm, tear the polenta into large, bite-sized pieces and pat dry with kitchen towel.
  6. Heat your olive oil to 180°C, then, in batches, carefully fry your polenta pieces for about 4-minutes, until crispy and golden. Remove from the oil and place in a bowl lined with kitchen towel and season with salt.

For the Marsala sauce

  1. Add the Marsala to the suitably sized sauce and reduce for 1-minute. Then add the chicken stock and butter and reduce until the sauce has emulsified and is viscous.

To cook the ribeye

  1. Take the ribeye from the fridge and allow to come to room temperature.
  2. Season well with sea salt
  3. Set a cast iron skillet or frying pan over a medium heat and add a tablespoon of oil.
  4. Once the oil is hot, just at the point of smoking, lay the steak in the pan and cook on one side for 2-minutes, so a good crust can form. Then flip the steak and cook on the other side for 2-minutes.
  5. Reduce the heat to medium low and add a good spoon of butter to the pan. Once the butter is foaming, use a spoon to baste the steak. Keep flipping the steak and basting from time to time for a further 4-minutes.
  6. Remove the steak from the pan and place on a plate or tray to rest, pour over the butter from the pan. Rest for at least 10-minutes.
  7. Whilst the steak is resting, place the gorgonzola fonduta in a sauce pan and reheat over a very low heat until hot.
  8. Carve the steak and serve next to a pile of the crispy polenta, then drizzle the gorgonzola fonduta all over the polenta and spoon the Marsala sauce over the steak and prepare for a mind-blowing meal!

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