Serves 2
- To get the best out of your rumps, I would strongly suggest giving them a little marinade overnight. Crush a couple of cloves of garlic into a bowl, add a few sprigs of rosemary, several grinds of black pepper, and a good glug of olive oil, and massage it all into the meat. Cover and leave in the fridge overnight.
- Wash and trim the onions before seasoning with salt, ready for the bbq.
- Get your rumps out of the fridge at least 2 hours before you plan on cooking them, as they are much easier to cook nicely from room temperature. Give them a good season with salt and put them on the hottest part of your grill. Keep turning the steaks every 30 seconds or so, moving them out of the flames if they are too vicious. Turning them and moving them around very frequently will help them to cook nice and evenly.
- After they have had about 3 minutes in total, move them away from the fierce heat of the centre of the grill and let them rest — if your bbq has a resting rack then great. If not, simply put them on a plate. They should rest for at least 10 minutes.
- For the onions, drizzle them in a little oil and then start charring them off on the bbq. Once they look sufficiently cooked and delicious, take them off and lay them on a large piece of tin foil, big enough to wrap all the onions in.
- Once all the onions are on the foil, give them a sprinkle with some white wine vinegar and wrap the whole thing up, scrunching the foil to seal the package. Then put them on the coolest part of the bbq and let them gently steam inside the little parcel. This should take about 10 minutes.
- Use a very sharp knife and finely chop the flat leaf parsley, 1 clove of garlic, capers, and anchovy. Tip it all into a bowl. Zest half of the lemon into the bowl and then add enough olive oil so that it just reaches the same level as the parsley, several splashes of vinegar, a good pinch of salt, and the juice from the lemon. Set this to one side and let all the ingredients become friends. Taste for seasoning, adjust if necessary, and then spoon it all over your beautiful cooked rump steaks.