One of North Africa’s most popular condiments, Chermoula is traditionally used with fish but is excellent with meat too. This recipe illustrates how its fresh and bright flavours can enhance the very best of grilled meat – particularly our renowned pork chops. We use slow-reared Tamworth and Middle White pigs that are impressive, both in size and depth of flavour.

Serves 4
- Combine all the ingredients for the chermoula together and season to taste.
- Heat a large frying pan over a low to medium heat. Make 3 or 4 incisions in the fat of the chops. Season the pork chops all over and place them into the pan fat side down, (so they are standing up) you may need to hold them in place with tongs to stop them from falling over.
- When a decent amount of the fat has rendered out, place the chops on their side and turn the heat up in the pan. Cook for 3-4 mins or until golden brown, turn and cook the same on the other side. Take the chops out of the pan and allow to rest for 15 mins.
- Just before serving, heat the pan back up and add in as much chermoula as you like, place the chops in and coat generously in the sauce. Add in a knob of butter if you are feeling naughty.