Essentially a cote de porc, these shoulder chops are butchered from the equivalent of the ‘fore rib’ on a side of beef and are extremely delicious. This pork shoulder chop recipe served here with a gratin of endive and Comté for a perfect match. An endive gratin, traditionally, is a dish in its own right – bubbling and comforting with the endives under a blanket of jambon noir and most often served with a well-dressed green salad. It is a dish that has enjoyed a life scribbled across the blackboards of bistros all over France. All of which is to say that it is very delicious and, while I’m sure there are some ideologues of classic French bistro food who are appalled by the sight of it next to a pork chop, it is a fantastic combination. The natural bitterness of the endive is a joyous foil to the fatty, brown butter-infused pork.

Serves 2 (hungry people)
For the gratin
Start with the gratin
- Place the milk, thyme, black peppercorns and garlic into a saucepan and bring to a simmer for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave to infuse for a further 20 minutes.
- Melt the butter in a separate pan until gently frothing, then add the flour and stir to combine. Over a low heat, cook the roux for 2-3 minutes.
- Meanwhile, strain the milk through a sieve. Then add the milk to the roux a little at a time, whisking as you do, until all the milk is incorporated and the bechamel is smooth.
- Take half of the Comte and grate it into the bechamel, whisk until smooth.
- Then add the double cream, again whisking until smooth.
- Taste for seasoning and adjust as necessary.
- Pre-heat your oven to 190°C.
- Place the endives in a suitably sized oven proof dish and season well with salt and black pepper, plus a drizzle of olive oil. Then roast in the oven for 12-15 minutes.
- Remove the dish from the oven and then pour over the bechamel. Lay the jambon over the endives and then finely grate the remaining Comte over the top. Return to the oven for 25-30 minutes.
Meanwhile, cook the chop
- Remove the pork shoulder chop from the fridge and its packaging about an hour before cooking, so that it can come up to room temperature.
- Pre-heat your oven to 180°C.
- Score the skin of the pork chop, cutting through the skin, at about ½ inch intervals.
- Season the chop liberally with sea salt.
- Set a large cast-iron skillet, or good quality frying pan, over a low heat, and stand the chop up, with the rind facing down, in the skillet. Add a touch of oil, just to get the process started and begin to crackle the rind. Be patient, as this process takes about 15 minutes. Keep moving the chop around the pan, so that all of the rind is able to crackle.
- Once you have achieved a wonderfully crackled rind, then turn the heat up to medium and lay the chop on its side. Cook on one side for 2 minutes, so the flesh can caramelise and then flip and repeat on the other side.
- Reduce the heat and add the butter to the pan, along with the sage leaves and, as it browns, use a spoon to baste the chop on both sides.
- Transfer the pan to the oven and cook for 6-8 minutes, aiming for an internal temperature of around 58°C, which will then rest up to 62-64°C. Remove from the oven and stand the chop up in the pan, with the flat bone facing down to rest for at least 15 minutes.
- To serve, carve the chop away from the bone (be careful to also remove the little piece of blade bone further up the chop) and then slice thickly. Spoon over some of the sage butter and resting juices from the pan.
For the salad
- Slice the shallots, horizontally into rings and then douse with a good splash of vinegar. Leave to sit for 10 minutes.
- Meanwhile, whisk together the Dijon mustard with 2 tablespoons of vinegar and a pinch of salt. Then begin pouring in the olive oil, slowly, whilst whisking continuously until you have an emulsified dressing.
- Place the watercress in a salad bowl and dress with the dressing and then scatter the shallot rings over the top of the salad.