A classic tapas dish from Northern Spain, this is a simple and gratifying combination. Perfect food to eat with a drink.
The region of Asturias, in Northern Spain, is much famed for its cider production, so it’s no surprise this is where this simple and rustic dish was born. There is a great scene in Rick Stein’s series on Spain, where he goes to a cider festival in Asturias and eats this dish. It gives the image of one of those dishes that resonates so deeply with the region and culture from where it was conceived. Two great ingredients of Asturias brought together in the most simple fashion, you can’t really ask for much more — perhaps some bread and a glass of cider?

Serves 4-6 (as a snack)
- Set a heavy-bottomed frying pan or cast-iron skillet over a high heat and add a spoonful of olive oil.
- Carefully add the chorizo to the pan. Cook on a high heat for 2 minutes, without moving them around. Then agitate the pan, to move the chorizo around and cook for a further 2 minutes.
- Reduce the heat slightly and add the cider and bay leaves.
- Allow to simmer for 10 minutes. The cider and fat from the chorizo should begin to emulsify, giving the sausages a glossy coat. Allow to cool slightly before serving.