This gloriously flavoursome mutton mince from Swaledale butchers takes on an intriguing guise as the filling for a cabbage leaf, and is totally delicious.
This gloriously flavoursome mutton mince from Swaledale butchers takes on an intriguing guise as the filling for a cabbage leaf, and is totally delicious.
There is something uniquely satisfying about celeriac, bacon, and cabbage cooked in this way, with the prunes making it a perfect marriage for this lovely venison joint.
Learn how to cook diced leg of lamb with our step-by-step guide. Discover tips for marinating, grilling, braising, and slow cooking to achieve tender, flavourful lamb every time.
This steak and kidney pudding recipe is a rich and comforting stew, rooted in the best traditions of British braising, all encased inside a thick layer of suet pastry.
Roasting the jerusalem artichokes and the shallots together offers a sticky little scenario that’s brilliant with this stunning piece of roast sirloin beef.
There are very few things better than a good pork chop. That’s a fact. Here are a few tips and a delicious anchovy dressing to help you do the chop justice.
Salsa verde is another green sauce that goes perfectly with flavoursome rump steaks. It provides a lovely freshness to a summer’s bbq, as does this recipe for charred and then steamed onions provided by the wonderful George Ryle of the Garden Café.