My insanely moreish peanut sauce recipe is the perfect accompaniment to our Malaysian Beef Satay Skewers, and if you’re planning to make your own, you’ll absolutely want to try this sauce too. It’s irresistibly tasty, delivering a spicy and complex flavour that’s hard to resist once you start dipping. Whilst the ingredients list may be slightly more involved than some quicker, easier recipes, the result truly speaks for itself 😋

Serves 4
- Break the tops off the chillies and shake out the seeds. Place the chillies in a bowl, pour over a cup of freshly boiled water, and leave to soak for 30-minutes.
- Place the peanuts in a pestle and mortar or a blender and crush to a fine crumb – it’s nice to retain some texture.
- Retaining 125ml of the chilli water, remove the chillies and add them to a blender along with the galangal, lemongrass, shallot, coriander and garlic. Blitz until a paste is achieved, adding a little water if needed. The paste does not need to be completely smooth.
- Set a wok over medium-low heat, add the vegetable oil, followed by the paste, and cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring regularly, until lightly caramelised and fragrant.
- Add the tamarind paste, sugar, salt, chilli soaking water, soy sauce, and peanuts, and cook for a further 5-minutes until thickened.
- Squeeze in the lime juice, stir well, and taste for flavour and consistency. You may need to loosen it with a little more water or adjust the seasoning with a bit more soy sauce.
- Keep warm until ready to serve.